ApiTableCreate - cDbUpdateFunctionLibrary
Creates a new Table.
Type: Function
Parameters: Handle hTable String sRootName String sDisplayName String sLogicalName Boolean bUseConnectionID Boolean bANSI Boolean bRecnum
Parameter |
Description |
hTable |
A file handle to the table name. Same as the Filelist.cfg slot number. |
sRoot |
The root name of the table |
sDisplay |
The display name of the table |
sTableName |
The table name or logical name of the table |
bUseConnectionID |
Should a connection ID be used (if SQL driver) for the .int file |
Should the table be created to contain ANSI data |
bRecnum |
Should the table use a Recnum field |
tAPIColumn[] |
Optional. A tAPIColumn struct array with field/column specifications |
Function ApiTableCreate Integer hTable String sRootName String sDisplayName String sTableName Boolean bUseConnectionID Boolean bANSI Boolean bRecnum tAPIColumn[] APIColumn
Call: |
Get ApiTableCreate hTable "MyTable" "MyTable" "MyTable" True True True to bOK |
Use it to create a new table. The file handle should be a free file slot from Filelist.cfg. You can use the function NextFreeFilelistSlot to get one of those.
Note: If you want to remove a table use the ApiTableRemove function.
Example 1
Procedure OnUpdate
Boolean bOK
Handle hTable
Get NextFreeFilelistSlot to hTable
Get ApiTableCreate hTable "Sales" "Sales" "Sales" True True True to bOK
Example 2
// Perhaps a bit more realistic example:
Object oDbUpdateVersion1.1 is a cDbUpdateVersion
Set pnVersionNumber to 1.1
// This will create three new tables; MapConfig, MapGroup & MapLayer.
// MapLayer relates to MapGroup and MapConfig is a system table
Procedure OnUpdate
Boolean bOK
tAPIColumn[] APIColumn APIEmpty
Integer iCount
Move 0 to iCount
// New table: MapConfig First column:
Move "Longitude" to APIColumn[iCount].sFieldName
Move SQL_CHAR to APIColumn[iCount].iType
Move 15 to APIColumn[iCount].iLength
Move 0 to APIColumn[iCount].iPrecision
Increment iCount
// Second column
Move "Latitude" to APIColumn[iCount].sFieldName
Move SQL_CHAR to APIColumn[iCount].iType
Move 15 to APIColumn[iCount].iLength
Move 0 to APIColumn[iCount].iPrecision
Increment iCount
// Third column
Move "ZoomFactor" to APIColumn[iCount].sFieldName
Move SQL_INTEGER to APIColumn[iCount].iType
Move 10 to APIColumn[iCount].iLength
Move 0 to APIColumn[iCount].iPrecision
Get ApiTableCreate 3010 "MapConfig" "MapConfig" "MapConfig" True True True APIColumn to bOK
Get ApiTableChangeAttribute 3010 DF_FILE_IS_SYSTEM_FILE True to bOK
// Reset variables
Move APIEmpty to APIColumn
Move 0 to iCount
// New table: MapGroup - First column
Move "ID" to APIColumn[iCount].sFieldName
Move SQL_INTEGER to APIColumn[iCount].iType
Move 10 to APIColumn[iCount].iLength
Move 0 to APIColumn[iCount].iPrecision
Move C_tAPIColumn_Identity to APIColumn[iCount].iOptions
Increment iCount
// Second column
Move "Group" to APIColumn[iCount].sFieldName
Move SQL_CHAR to APIColumn[iCount].iType
Move 30 to APIColumn[iCount].iLength
Move 0 to APIColumn[iCount].iPrecision
Get ApiTableCreate 3011 "MapGroup" "MapGroup" "MapGroup" True True False APIColumn to bOK
// No need to create an index here as the "ID" column already has been set to a primary key (C_tAPIColumn_Identity)
// Reset variables
Move APIEmpty to APIColumn
Move 0 to iCount
// New table: MapLayer - First column
Move "ID" to APIColumn[iCount].sFieldName
Move SQL_INTEGER to APIColumn[iCount].iType
Move 10 to APIColumn[iCount].iLength
Move 0 to APIColumn[iCount].iPrecision
Move C_tAPIColumn_Identity to APIColumn[iCount].iOptions
Increment iCount
// Second column
Move "GroupID" to APIColumn[iCount].sFieldName
Move SQL_INTEGER to APIColumn[iCount].iType
Move 10 to APIColumn[iCount].iLength
Move 0 to APIColumn[iCount].iPrecision
Increment iCount
// Third column
Move "DisplayLayer" to APIColumn[iCount].sFieldName
Move SQL_CHAR to APIColumn[iCount].iType
Move 30 to APIColumn[iCount].iLength
Move 0 to APIColumn[iCount].iPrecision
Increment iCount
// Fourth column
Move "RealLayer" to APIColumn[iCount].sFieldName
Move SQL_CHAR to APIColumn[iCount].iType
Move 30 to APIColumn[iCount].iLength
Move 0 to APIColumn[iCount].iPrecision
Increment iCount
// Fifth column
Move "Visible" to APIColumn[iCount].sFieldName
Move SQL_TINYINT to APIColumn[iCount].iType
Move 3 to APIColumn[iCount].iLength
Move 0 to APIColumn[iCount].iPrecision
Increment iCount
// Six column
Move "Active" to APIColumn[iCount].sFieldName
Move SQL_TINYINT to APIColumn[iCount].iType
Move 3 to APIColumn[iCount].iLength
Move 0 to APIColumn[iCount].iPrecision
Increment iCount
// Create table
Get ApiTableCreate 3012 "MapLayer" "MapLayer" "MapLayer" True True True APIColumn to bOK
// Create indexes
// No need to create an index for the "ID" column as it has been set to be the primary key (C_tAPIColumn_Identity)
Get APIIndexCreateByFieldNames 3012 2 "GROUPID,ID" to bOK
Get APIIndexCreateByFieldNames 3012 3 "DisplayLayer,ID" to bOK
Get APIIndexCreateByFieldNames 3012 4 "RealLayer,ID" to bOK
Get APIIndexCreateByFieldNames 3012 5 "Visible,ID" to bOK
Get APIIndexCreateByFieldNames 3012 6 "Active,ID" to bOK
// Relate MapLayer.GroupID -> MapGroup.ID
Get ApiTableRelate 3012 3011 2 1 to bOK