Bugs Fixed in Version (Released July 26 2017)
oA parameter bug in SqlColumnAdd and SqlColumnAddByTableName was fixed. All parameters after the third should be optional to pass. However, the function code was wrong and has been corrected.
Reported by Nils G Svedmyr
oA bug was discovered when converting between framework defined data types and DataFlex data types. In short; there are replacement data constants to be used with the framework when dealing with an SQL back-end. See the help chapter “DataFlex Replacement Data Types” for a full explanation. These framework datatypes has the same integer number as the standard DataFlex data types, but with the value -1500 deducted. This is to distinguish them from specialized SQL driver data type constants (there were duplicates). However, the framework conversion logic had it slightly wrong which made the data type conversion to fail. Note: The recommended way to use e.g. the SqlColumnAdd function is to pass one of the specialized data constants. What that constant is depends on the driver used, the database back-end type and the exact column type that is targeted.
Reported by Nils G Svedmyr