tSQLConnection - The Database Update Framework
See Also: Declaring Variables, Struct
tSQLConnection is a structured type used by some members of the cDbUpdateFunctionLibrary class, but mainly by the cSQLConnectionHandler and cSQLConnectionIniFile classes.
Type Declaration
Struct tSQLConnection
Boolean bEnabled // 1. There can only be one active/enabled connection at a time.
String sConnectionID // 2. The name of the connection ID.
Integer iDbType // 3. Database type; "MS-SQL Server", "DB2", "Oracle", "MySQL", "PostgreSQL"
String sDriverID // 4. Name of the driver. E.g. MSSQLDRV_ID, DB2_DRV_ID, ODBC_DRV_ID,
String sServer // 5. SQL Server/DSN/ODBC source name
String sDatabase // 6. SQL Database
String sConnectionString // 7. Full connection string as is needed by e.g. the login command.
Boolean bTrusted // 8. Trusted connection (then is UID & PWD not used)
String sUserID // 9. User ID
String sPassword // 10. Password
String sSchema // 11. DB2 (and perhaps ODBC specific)
String sBaseTableSpace // 12. DB2 specific
String sLongTableSpace // 13. DB2 specific
String sIndexTableSpace // 14. DB2 specific
Boolean bSilentLogin // 15. True=Silent login. (i.e. don't show Database login
// dialog if program login to fails). Same as driver "Options" parameter.
Boolean bError // 16. Is set to true on any error when reading values to the struct.
Use cDbUpdateFunctionLibrary.pkg
tSQLConnection {variableName}
Declaring variables
To declare tSQLIniFileConnection variables, use the name of the type (tSQLIniFileConnection) followed by the variable name.
tSQLIniFileConnection SQLConnection
See struct variables for more details of instantiating struct types.