tSQLScriptArray - The Database Update Framework
See Also: Declaring Variables, Struct
tSQLScriptArray is a structured type used for some members of the cDbUpdateFunctionLibrary class.
Type Declaration
Struct tSQLScriptArray
String[] sSQLScriptArray
Boolean bArgumentSizeChanged
Integer iOrgArgumentSize
Struct Members
When the sScriptArray is returned from the SQLReadScriptFromResource the array string contains one line for each SQL script line. Comments and blank lines are stripped from the result.
When the bArgumentSizeChanged is True the iOrgArgumentSize member will contain the Argument_Size that was in effect before the last change.
The numeric value of the original DataFlex Argument_Size. This value controls the length of a locally declared string variable. The default length is 64KB. The Argument_Size might get changed if the SQL script file is larger than 64KB temporarily, but will be restored automatically.
Use cDbUpdateFunctionLibrary.pkg
tSQLScriptArray {variableName}
Declaring variables
To declare tSQLScriptArray variables, use the name of the type (tSQLScriptArray) followed by the variable name.
tSQLScriptArray SQLScriptArray
See struct variables for more details of instantiating struct types.